Answer: We need to do our alloted duties. Of course, the GITA doesn't explain what these duties are, but refers to all scriptures and asks to follow us. It is however, ambiguous to follow all texts and given the fact GITA doesn't specifically mention anything other than the VEDAS, we can assume or refer to it. However, the wheel of life brings us to experience relationships like mother, father, sister, wife, husband etc and following or fulfilling these relationships is DEFINITELY one of the ALLOTED DUTIES. The Other duty Krishna repeatedly mentions (will cover later) is any task that benefits the SOCIETY.

"Perform your prescribed duty, for doing so is better than not working. One cannot maintain one's physical body without work." (Chap 3 -verse 8)

"Keenly devoted to his own natural duty, man attains the highest perfection in the shape of God-realization. Hear the mode of performance whereby man engaged in his duty reaches the highest consummation."
(Chap 18 -verse 45)

"By worship of the Lord, who is the source of all beings and who is all-pervading, a man can attain perfection through performing his own work." (Chap 18 -verse 46)

"Better is one's own duty, though devoid of merit, than the duty of another well-performed; for performing the duty ordained by his own nature man does not incur sin." (Chap 18 -verse 47)

"Therefore, Arjuna, one should not abandon one's innate duty, even though it may be tainted with blemish; for even as fire is enveloped with smoke, all undertakings are clouded with demerit." (Chap 18 -verse 48)

"Therefore, Arjuna, the scripture alone is your guide in determining what should be done and what should not be. Knowing this, you ought to perform only such action as is ordained by the scriptures." (Chap 16 -verse 24)

Actually the above quote is ambiguous because it doesn't mention which scriptures? In Hinduism there are so many scriptures that we really get lost. So, this is perhaps one area where the Gita is not clear.

In the previous question, it has already been answered that we are forced to act. Krishna, further confirms this in the following verses.

"That action too which you are not willing to undertake through ignorance - bound by your own duty born of your nature, you will helplessly perform." (Chap 18 -verse 60)

"Arjuna, God abides in the heart of all creatures, causing them to revolve according to their Karma by His illusive power, seated as those beings are in the vehicle of the body. "
(Chap 18 -verse 61)

"If, taking your stand on egotism, you think- I will not fight-, vain is this resolve of yours; nature will drive you to the action." (Chap 18 -verse 59)

Krishna says, - "Everyone is forced to act according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature (3 GUNAs), therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment."
(Chap 3 -verse 5)

So, after knowing all about SOUL and understanding why we cannot comprehend it, Krishna also answers as to how we can comprehend it. There are 2 ways:

When Arjuna asks show me the way by which one can reach the highest good or realize God/SOUL (chap 3- verse 1 and 2)

Krishna says, "Arjuna, in this world two courses of SADHANA (spiritual discipline) have been enunciated by Me in the past. In the case of SANKHYAYOGI, the SADHANA proceeds along PATH OF KNOWLEDGE (SankhyaYoga/JnanaYoga) and in the case of KARMAYOGI, the SADHANA proceeds along the PATH OF ACTION." (Chap 3 - verse 3)

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