What makes man commit sin while performing actions?

"O Arjuna, It is lust begotten of RAJAS Guna, which appears as wrath; it is insatiable and grossly wicked. Know this to be the enemy in this case." (Chap 3 -verse 37)

"As flame is covered by smoke, mirror by dirt and embryo by the womb, so is Knowledge of the living entity covered by lust." (Chap 3 -verse 38)

"And, Arjuna, Knowledge stands covered by this eternal enemy of the wise, known as lust, which is insatiable like fire." (Chap 3 -verse 39)

"The senses, the mind and the intellect are declared to be its seat; screening the light of the Truth through these; it is this lust that deludes the embodied soul." (Chap 3 -verse 40)

"The man dwelling on sense-objects develops attachment for them. From attachment lust develops and from lust anger arises." (Chap 2 -verse 62)

"From anger, complete delusion arises and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool." (Chap 2 -verse 63)

"Lust, anger and greed - the triple gate of hell brings about the ruination of the soul. Therefore, one should avoid all these three." (Chap 16 -verse 21)


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