Chap - 2

"Know that, by whom this entire body is pervaded is indestructible. No one is able to cause the destruction of the imperishable soul." (verse 17)

"Soul neither kills nor is killed." (verse 19)

"The soul is never born nor dies; nor does it become only after being born; For it is unborn, eternal, everlasting, undeteriorating and primeval; even though the body is slain, the soul is not."(verse 20)

"The Soul is imperishable, eternal, free from birth and decay." (verse 21)

"Weapons cannot cut it nor fire can burn it; water cannot wet it nor can wind dry it." (verse 23)

"The Soul is incapable of being cut; it is fireproof, impervious to water, and cannot be dried. It is eternal, omnipresent, immovable, constant, everlasting." (verse 24)

"The Soul is unmanifest, unthinkable, immutable." (verse 25)


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