What is soul?

Very often, we hear of the Soul, but not many know the definition of it. Soul is not physically visible or touchable. It is present within our hearts.

Before we go the GITA, let us see what Chandogya(Khandogya) Upanishad talks about a substance found in the body (For readers who do not know what Upanishad means, I will be soon coming with what it means in a separate article. CLICK ON THE VERSE TO SEE THE SOURCE/REFERENCE. Note, The verses taken are the literal translation first ever done into English by MAX MUELLER , a German Philogist who studied Sanskrit as early as 1845 and translated all Indian Upanishads into English, whose texts are available in the libraries in India at Bhandarkar Insitute in Pune and Motilal Banaridas in New Delhi, and is published widely on the internet).

Chap 3 - 12th Khanda (subchapter)

The Brahman which has been thus described (as immortal with three feet in heaven, and as Gâyatrî) is the same as the ether which is around us;

And the ether which is around us, is the same as the ether which is within us. And the ether which is within us,

That is the ether within the heart. That ether in the heart (as Brahman) is omnipresent and unchanging. He who knows this obtains omnipresent and unchangeable happiness.

Which means there is "ETHER" which lies within our heart and is responsible for everything. This ether is the "SOUL".

Further, the Chandogya Upanishad, Sage Sandilya says,

The self within the heart is smaller than a corn of rice, smaller than a corn of barley, smaller than a mustard seed, smaller than a canary seed or the kernel of a canary seed. He also is my self within the heart, greater than the earth, greater than the sky, greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds. It is this self that from all works, all desires, all sweet odors, all tastes, proceed.

In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the soul is defined as (In other words, the soul's definition must be approached not by saying - "It is this, it is that", but by saying "It is not this, it is not that"

The Self (Aatman) can be defined as "not this, not that, not in this manner.." It is incomprehensible as it can't be comprehended. It is imperishable, for he cannot perish, he is unattached, for he does not attach himself; unfettered, he does not suffer, he does not fail. (Chapter 4 - Ninth Brahmana)

Back to the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13 describes at length the meaning of SOUL in the following verse ,

As the Sun illuminates this entire universe, so the Spirit/Soul illuminates the entire body (verse 33)

Arjuna, being without beginning and without attributes, this indestructible supreme Spirit, though dwelling in the body, in fact does nothing, nor gets influenced(entangled).
(verse 31)

Arjuna, The Spirit dwelling in this body, is really the same as the Supreme. He has been spoken of as the Witness, the true Guide, the Sustainer of all, the Experiencer (as the embodied soul), the Overlord and the Absolute as well. (Chap 13 - verse 22).

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    very easy definition for soul, never thought like this before........

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