Even if one doesn't follow the 3 Gunas as previously read, here are 3 verses one needs to know.

Remember, RAJAS which inpsires us to act either will mix with SATTVA which is visible when we tend to do good deeds. If it mixes with TAMAS is what appears when we tend to do sinful activities and cause destruction in society.

"Wisdom follows from Sattva, greed from Rajas, ignorance, inertia, stupor, laziness from Tamas"
(Chap 14 - verse 17)

"Those who abide in the quality of Sattva go upwards towards God,
Those who abide in the quality of Rajas stay in the middle,
Those who abide in the quality of Tamas sink down into darkness."
(Chap 14 - verse 18)

"Overpowering RAJAS and TAMAS, Arjuna, SATTVA prevails;
Overpowering SATTVA and TAMAS, RAJAS prevails;
Overpowering SATTVA and RAJAS, TAMAS prevails."
(Chap 14 - verse 10)

Here's video of Shri Ravishankar's - The Art of Living describing the 3 GUNAS. It's simple and interesting:

My personal comment:

I feel SATTVA => +
RAJAS => neutral
TAMAS => -

Usually we tend go from neutrality towards positiveness or negativeness. If we remain neutral we always remain the same, which is also detrimental, as per GITA.

(Image courtesy: http://svasti.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/gunas_diagram.jpg
Image taken from Link)


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