After discussing what GUNA is, it's time to discuss the first GUNA - SATTVA.
(The image below is taken from

"O Arjuna, of these - the Sattva, being immaculate, is illuminating, flawless and pure. It binds the soul through identification with joy and wisdom." (Chap 14 - verse 6)

"Sattva drives one to joy..." (Chap 14 - verse 9)

"When light and knowledge dawn in the body, as well as in the mind and senses, then one should know that Sattva is predominant. " (Chap 14 - verse 11)

"The reward of righteous act is SATTVIKA or faultless (in the shape of joy, wisdom)...."
(Chap 14- verse 16)

Knowledge is a very generic term. Gita attempts to answer elaborately what knowledge is. So, What is Knowledge as per GITA?

"Absence of false ego, freedom from hypocrisy, non-violence, humility, tolerance, honesty, rendering service to a spiritual master, steadfastness, self - control by control of mind, body and senses, internal and external purity, dispassion towards objects of enjoyment of this world, aware of pains inherent in birth, death, old age and disease; absence of feeling of "mine" (everyone is mine) in respect to son, wife, home etc and stabilizing mind in favorable and unfavorable situations; unflinching devotion to Me through exclusive attachment, aspiring to live in a solitary place, finding no enjoyment in ordinary general class of people (who are always hankering over material desires), fixity in self-knowledge, seeing God as object of true knowledge; all this is knowledge and everything else is ignorance." (Chap 13- verses 7,8,9,10,11)

"Men of Sattvika disposition worship gods;...." (Chap 17 - verse 4)

What is SATTVIK knowledge?

"That why which man perceives one imperishable divine existence as undivided and equally present in all individual beings, know that knowledge to be Sattvika" (Chap 18 - verse 20)

What is SATTVIK sacrifice?

"The sacrifice which is offered, as ordained by scriptural injunctions, by men who expect no return and what believe that such sacrifices must be performed, Sattvika in character" (Chap 17 - verse 11)

Sattvika Guna and its analogy w.r.t FOOD:

"Foods which promote longevity, intelligence, vigor, health, happiness and cheerfulness, and which are sweet, bland, substantial and naturally agreeable, are dear to SATTVIKA type of men." (Chap 17 - verse 8)


"That action which is ordained by the scriptures and is not accompanies by the sense of doership, and has been done without any partiality or prejudice by one who seeks no return is called Sattvika" (Chap 18- verse 23)


"A gift which given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person, that gift has been pronounced as SATTVIKA." (Chap 17 - verse 20)

Who is called a SATTVIKA?

"Any person who does action/associated duty free from attachment, without false ego, endowed with determination and enthusiasm and unswayed by success and failure is said to be a SATTVIKA." (Chap 18 - verse 26)

What is SATTVIK intellect?

"The intellect which correctly determines the paths of activity and renunciation, what ought to be done and what should not be, what is fear and what is fearlessness, what is bondage and what is liberation, that intellect is called SATTVIKA" (Chap 18 - verse 30)

What is SATTVIKA firmness?

"The unwavering firmness by which man controls through the Yoga of meditation the functions of the mind, the life and the senses - that firmness, Arjuna is Satvika" (Chap 18 - verse 33)

What is SATTVIKA Joy?

"That in which in the beginning may just be like poison but at the end is just like nectar and which awakens one to self-realization is said to be Sattvika happiness" (Chap 18 - verse 37)

What is SATTVIKA penance?

It is a combination of 3 things -


"Worship of Gods, the scholars, one's elders and wise men, purity, striaghtforwardness, continence and harmlessness - this is called body of penance" (Chap 17 - verse 14)


"Words which cause no annoyance to others and are truthful, agreeable and pleasing, beneficial and regularly reciting Vedic literature is austerity of speech" (Chap 17 - verse 15)


"And satisfaction, simplicity, gravity, self-control, and purification of one's existence are austerities of the mind" (Chap 17 - verse 16 )

"This 3 fold austerity, performed with supreme faith by Yogi's expecting no return is called SATTVIKA"
(Chap 17 - verse 17)


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