How does a Sankhyayogi behave, meditate and live life? As this question is answered it will be clear to any reader why it is the most difficult way of leading life.

"He, whose intellect is unattached everywhere, whose thirst for enjoyment has altogether disappeared and who has subdued his mind, reaches through sankhyayoga ( the path of Knowledge) the consummation of actionlessness."
(Chap 18 -verse 49)

"The state, in which, curbed through the practice of Yoga, the mind becomes still, and in which, realizing God through subtle reason (purified by meditation on God) the soul rejoices only in God."

(Chap 6 -verse 20)

"A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled, but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires."

(Chap 2 -verse 70)

"With the attainment of placidity of mind, all his sorrows come to an end and the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon withdrawing itself from all sides, becomes firmly established in God."

(Chap 2 -verse 65)

"That which is night to all beings, in that state of Divine Knowledge and supreme Bliss, the God realized Yogi keeps awake, and that (ever changing transient worldly happiness) in which all beings keep awake is night to the seer(sankhyayogi)."

(Chap 2 -verse 69)

The Sankhyayogi, however, who knows the reality of things, must believe, even though seeing, hearing, touching, smelling or eating or drinking, walking, sleeping, breathing, speaking, answering the calls of nature, grasping, opening and closing of the eyes - that he does nothing, holding that it is the senses that moving among their objects."

(Chap 5 -verse 8,9)

"The self-controlled Sankyayogi, doing nothing himself and getting nothing done by others, rests happily in God, the embodiment of Truth, Knowledge, and Bliss, mentally relegating all actions to the mansion of nine gates (the body with nine openings)."

(Chap 5 -verse 13)

"Arjuna, such is the state of the God realized soul; having reached this state, he overcomes delusion. And established in this state, even at the last moment, he attains Brahmic bliss."

(Chap 2 -verse 72)

"Established in identity with Brahma (who is Truth, Consciousness , and Bliss solidified), and cheerful in mind; the sankhyayogi no longer grieves nor craves for anything. He is same to all beings and in such a state he attains pure devotional service onto Me."

(Chap 18 -verse 54)

"The wise look with the same eye on Brahman, endowed with learning and culture, a cow, am elephant, dog, and a pariah too."

(Chap 5 -verse 18)

"He looks upon well-wishers and neutrals as well as mediators, friends and foes, relatives and objects of hatred, virtuous, and the sinful with the same eye, stands supreme."

(Chap 6 -verse 9)

"The state, in which, curbed through the practice of Yoga, the mind becomes still, and in which, realizing God through subtle reason (purified by meditation on God) the soul rejoices only in God."

(Chap 6 -verse 20)

"The yogi whose mind is full of jnana(knowedge of nirguna brahma) and vijnana(knowledge of manifest divinity), who is unmoved under all circumstances, whose senses are completely mastered, an to whom earth, stone, gold are all alike, is spoken of as God-realized Soul."

(Chap 6 -verse 8)

"Arjuna, such is the state of the God realized soul; having reached this state, he overcomes delusion. And established in this state, even at the last moment, he attains Brahmic bliss."
(Chap 2 -verse 72)


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