Why does Krishna talk about such a tough path? Why does he recommend such an impossible path (impossible for common people in today's world)?

"The state, in which, curbed through the practice of Yoga, the mind becomes still, and in which, realizing God through subtle reason (purified by meditation on God) the soul rejoices only in God."

(Chap 6 -verse 20)

"In the stage of perfection called SAMADHI, one's mind is completely restrained from material, mental activities by practice of Yoga. This perfection is characterized by one's ability to see the Self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the Self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness, realized through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of the greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries from material contact. "

(Chap 6 -verses 20,21,22,23)

"He, who, with reason firm and free from doubt, rejoices not on obtaining what is pleasant does not feel perturbed on meeting with the unpleasant, that knower of Brahma lives eternally in identity with Brahma."

(Chap 5 -verse 21)

"He, alone who is able to stand in this very life before casting off his body, the urges of lust and anger is a Yogi; and he alone is a happy man.."

(Chap 5 -verse 22)

"Those, whose mind and intellect are wholly merged in Him(God), who remain coonstantly established in Him, and have finally become one with Him, their sins being wiped out by wisdom, reach the state where there is no return."

(Chap 5 -verse 17)

"He, who, is happy within himself, enjoys within himself the delight of the soul, and even so is illumined by the inner ligh (soul), such a Sakhyayogi is indentified with Brahma attains Brahma (which is not God Brahma), who is all peace."

(Chap 5 -verse 24)

"To those wise men who are free from lust and anger, who have subdued their mind and have realized God, the abode of eternal peace is present all around."

(Chap 5 -verse 26)

"Those whose minds are established in sameness and equanimity have already conquered the conditions of birth and death. they are flawless like Brahman, and this they are already situated in Brahman."

(Chap 5 -verse 19)

To the Yogi whose mind is perfectly serene, who is sinless, whose passion is subdued, and who is identified with Brahma, the embodiment of truth, Knowledge and bliss - supreme happiness comes as a matter of course."

(Chap 6 -verse 27)

"The sinless Yogi, thus uniting his self constantly with God, easily enjoys the eternal bliss of oneness with Brahma."

(Chap 6 -verse 28)

"The Yogi who is united in identity with the all-pervading, infinite consciousness, and sees unity everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings and all beings assumed in the Self. He who sees Me present in all beings, and all beings existing within Me, never loses sight of Me, and I never lose sight of him."

(Chap 6 -verses 29,30)


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