After studying Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga, Krishna presents the 3rd way to reach him - SANKHYAYOGA. To understand, lets look at the verse of when you reach the heights of Karmayoga:

"When a man ceases to have any attachment either for the objects of senses or for actions, and has renounced all thoughts of the world, he is said to have climbed the heights of KARMAYOGA."
(Chap 6 -verse 4)
"The Karmayogi who neither hates nor desires should be ever considered a renouncer. For, Arjuna, he who is free from pairs of opposites is easily freed from bondage."
(Chap 5 -verse 3)
It is exactly here when a person reaches can understand SANKHYAYOGA. For , SANKHYAYOGA, cannot be achieved without reaching the heights of KARMAYOGA, as explained below by Krishna:
"Without Karmayoga, however, Sankyayoga (or renunciation of doership in relation to all activities of the mind, senses and body) is difficult to accomplish; whereas Karmayogi, who keeps his mind fixed on God, reaches Brahma in no time, Arjuna."
(Chap 6 -verse 4)
Is SANKHYAYOGA different from KARMAYOGA? How about results of both?
"It is ignorant, not the wise, who say that Sankyayoga and Karmayoga lead to divergent results. For one who is firmly established in either gets the fruit of both (which is the same, viz., God-Realization)"
(Chap 5 -verse 4)
"The supreme state which is reached by Sankhyayogi is attained also by Karmayogi. Therefore, he alone who sees both as one (as far as result goes) sees things as they are."
Is Karmayoga superior to Sankyayoga?
"Karmayoga and Sankhyayoga - both lead to Supreme bliss. Of the two, however, Karmayoga is superior to Sankhyayoga."
(Chap 5 -verse 2)



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