Before we find out why we cannot comprehend the soul, let us see what Gita says as to how the soul is seated in the body or in other words, "How is the imperishable soul seated in the perishable body?"

"The eternal Jivatma in this body is a particle of My own being; and it draws around itself the mind and the five senses, which rest in Prakriti (body)." (Chap 15 - verse 7)

This description further puzzles people who know human anatomy as to what it is which draws the mind and senses around itself, could it be the human brain as we believe brain is the controller....but it's not so easy to answer..because one needs to extend this to plants, insects, reptiles and all species. Well, let us then understand, "Why we cannot comprehend this soul?". Krishna concedes that very few people can ever perceive this soul (already mentioned in the previous question - Can we comprehend the soul?)


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