Before we understand GUNA, we need to answer the question - What is Prakriti and what is Purusha? So, let's understand these first.

Krishna talks about 2 fold Prakriti ( and one of them itself is Purusha) and describes what they are in the following verses:

"Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason and also ego; these constitute my 8-fold nature and this is My lower (material) nature;" (Chap 7 - verse 4)

"The other nature by which the whole universe is sustained, know it to be My higher (spiritual) nature in form of LIFE PRINCIPLE (JIVA), O Arjuna" (Chap 7 - verse 5)

"O Arjuna, know that all beings have evolved from this 2 fold nature(prakriti); and I am the source of all creation and into Me again it disappears". (Chap 7 - verse 6)

Going further, Krishna declares this LIFE PRINCIPLE (JIVA) which is HIS higher nature (as mentioned above) itself is called PURUSHA or Spirit.

"My primordial nature (lower material nature) is the womb of all creatures, in that womb I place the seed (JIVA - higher spiritual nature) and the creation follows from the union of Matter and Spirit, O Arjuna. Of all the embodied beings that appear in all species of all kinds, Prakriti is the conceiving Mother, while I am the seed-giving Father". (Chap 14 - verses 3, 4)

"Prakriti and Purusha, know both of these as beginning less." (Chap 13 - verse 19)


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