After understanding what GUNA (surely no one would have understood completely as yet will become clear later when we elaborate on the 3 types of GUNAS) is, let us see why Krishna calls it his most wonderful MAYA (illusion).

"The whole of this creation is deluded by these objects evolved from the 3 modes of nature (prakriti) - SATTVA, RAJAS, TAMAS; that is why the world fails to recognize Me, standing apart from these and that I am imperishable." (Chap 7 - verse 13)

"Prakriti is said to be responsible for bringing forth the evolutes and the instruments; while the individual soul is declared to be the cause of experience of joys and sorrows." (Chap 13 - verse 20)

"It is while dwelling in the senses of hearing, sight, touch and smell, as well as in the mind, that JIVATMA (soul) enjoys the objects of senses." (Chap 15 - verse 9)

"SATTVA, RAJAS, TAMAS - these 3 qualities born of Prakriti tie down the imperishable soul to the body, Arjuna" (Chap 14 - verse 5)

A little discussion:

Are we getting trapped?

1) If SOUL can experience joys and sorrows, isn't it doing some action i.e making us happy or sad and thereby isn't Krishna contradicting what he told in Chap 13 - verse 31 - "The SOUL does nothing nor gets entangled..."? Answer: The same Krishna says - "All actions are being performed by the 3 modes of Prakriti. The fool whose mind is deluded by egoism think, 'I am the doer' ". (Chap 2 - verse 27)

So, it is clear that the SOUL doesn't do anything. Everything is done by Prakriti. NO ACTION ORIGINATES FROM THE SOUL.

2) Does the SOUL perceive happiness, sadness?

No, remember our body (KSHETRA) has aversion, pleasure, pain, desire with it already. It is an ATTRIBUTE OF KSHETRA AND NOT THE SOUL.(Chap 13 - verses 5,6)

3) Why is that then Krishna says the SOUL is the cause of experience of joys and sorrow?

This is a little tricky. Think again, if everything is done by PRAKRITI (as already clarified), SOUL doesn't do anything. IT IS ONLY EXPERIENCING i.e it is the not the doer but something is acting upon it which makes it experience - as explained below.

"It is while dwelling in the senses of hearing, sight, touch and smell, as well as in the mind, that JIVATMA (soul) enjoys the objects of senses." (Chap 15 - verse 9)

4) But then, if SOUL is being acted upon, who perceives joy and sorrow (if not the SOUL)?

It is the MIND. Follow this verse "The senses, mind, intellect acting upon the RAJAS Guna (desire) delude the embodied SOUL". (Chap 3 - verse 40).

So, again the GUNAS act on SOUL and definitely it must be the mind and intellect which perceive everything. Isn't it also scientifically proven that happiness, sadness are nothing but perceptions.

Why is not same to everyone? Some people feel happy by listening to music while others are not. Some people are addicted to watching movies, while others are not. Some people love history while others love to hate it. Some like western music, some Indian music. So, our dislikes and likes vary. WHY IS THAT ONE PERCEIVES HAPPINESS AND THE OTHER SADNESS FROM THE SAME OBJECT? IT IS DEFINITELY BECAUSE THE MIND PERCEIVES IT THAT WAY.

So, the conclusion is - SOUL doesn't do anything but is made to experience everything by the GUNAS. The GUNAS not only tie down the SOUL, they delude it. By its nature, the SOUL doesn't experience anything, but because these GUNAS act on the SOUL, it experiences it and thereby mind perceives it.

My personal comment:

It is proven scientifically the generation or depletion of certain hormones causes either turbulence or peace in mind. We know it. However, why is that same object/activity can cause increase or decrease of certain hormones. In other words, say reading History may induce those hormones for some and may not be some for other. Somewhere, the mind which acts as the controller of the body perceives it in different ways. Is this abnormal? No, it is normal. The intention of GUNAS is just given to let us know that we need to increase SATTVA GUNA (as we will see later) i.e happiness and joy.

Let's say for a moment we will not accept the existence of SOUL. Even then, it is fine to see that because the GUNAS act on us, our mind and intellect perceive happiness, sadness etc.

If we believe in SOUL, then the conclusion is the same, its just that for the mind to perceive anything, it must act on something and that something is SOUL.


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