So, why do human beings (the most intelligent species) not perceive this SOUL?

"The ignorant know not the soul departing from, or dwelling in the body, or enjoying the objects of senses i.e even when it is connected with the 3 GUNAS; only those endowed with the eye of wisdom are able to realize it." (Chap 15 - verse 9)

"The senses, the mind and the intellect are declared to be the seat of desire which is born of Rajas Guna and it deludes the embodied soul." (Chap 3 - verses 37, 40)

"Striving Yogis' too are able to realize this SOUL enshrined in their heart. The ignorant, however, whose heart has not been purified, know not this SOUL in spite of the best endeavors." (Chap 15 - verse 11)

Obviously, there are more terminologies/concepts we need to understand. What is this GUNA? How does it act? Why does it act? What is the effect of this? Who creates this GUNA? and so many such questions. Let us see one by one. But first, we need to understand Prakrit, Purusha, Kshetra, Kshetrajana, Evolutes of Kshetra and then come to GUNA and its effects.


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