Doing action and still being in inaction is a stage which is one of the higher stages of Karmayoga. The stepping stone of Karmayoga is disinterested action or action which is free of attachment of its results.

The below verses are very complex for almost all of us, but even a little attempt in doing so will always ensure God's glory is on us.

PS: The Summary of all verses below can be mentioned in one line - The moment we give up attachment for results of our actions, we still continue to do our actions and that is what inaction in action means. It is never to give up our action. We have to keep striving for our actions as this verse clarifies

Man does not attain freedom from action without entering upon action; nor does he reach perfection merely by ceasing to act..

"What is action and what is inaction? Even the wise men are puzzled over this question. Therefore, I shall expound to you the truth about action, knowing which you will be freed from its evil effect."
(Chap 4 -verse 16)

"The truth about action must be known and the truth about inaction must be known; even so the truth about prohibited action must be known for mysterious are the ways of action."
(Chap 4 -verse 17)

"Man does not attain freedom from action without entering upon action; nor does he reach perfection merely by ceasing to act."
(Chap 3 -verse 4)

"Having subdued his mind and body, and given up all objects of enjoyment, and free from craving, he who performs sheer bodily action does not incur sin."
(Chap 4 -verse 21)

"He, who having give up totally the fruits of action and the action itself, no longer depends on the world, and is ever satisfied, does nothing at all, though fully engaged in action."
(Chap 4 -verse 20)

"He who controlling the organs of sense and action by the power of his will, and remains unattached, undertakes the Yoga of Action through those organs, Arjuna, he excels."
(Chap 3 -verse 7)

"Even the wise call him a sage, whose undertakings are free from desire and thoughts of the world, and whose actions are burnt up by the fire of wisdom."
(Chap 4 -verse 19)

"He who sees action in inaction and inaction in action, is wise among men; he is a Yogi who has performed all actions."
(Chap 4 -verse 18)

The impact of being so is the path to liberation i.e a path wherein once you reach God you never come back as explained below in the verse.
"Having known thus, action was performed even by the ancient seekers for liberation. therefore you also perform such actions as have been performed by the ancients from the beginning of time."
(Chap 4 -verse 15)

"The Karmayogi, who has fully conquered his mind and mastered his senses, whose heart is pure, and who has identified himself with God, remains untainted, even though performing action."
(Chap 5 -verse 7)


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