Does God do anything? What is his action/karma? Like everyone is bound by their own karma, is God bound by his karma? All these interesting questions Krishna himself answers.

"Arjuna, there is nothing in all the 3 worlds for Me to do, nor is there anything worth attaining unattained by Me, yet I continue to work."
(Chap 3 -verse 22)

"Should I not engage in action, scrupulously at any time, great harm will come to the world; for Arjuna, men follow My way in all matters."
(Chap 3 -verse 23)

"If I cease to act, these worlds will perish; nay, I should prove to be the cause of confusion, and of the destruction of these people."
(Chap 3 -verse 24)

"Though birthless and deathless, and the Lord of all beings, I manifest Myself through My own Yogamaya (divine potency), keeping My Nature (prakriti) under control."
(Chap 4 -verse 6)

"Arjuna, whenever righteousness is on the decline, the unrighteousness is in the ascendant, then I body Myself forth. For the protection of the virtuous, for the termination of evil-doers, and for establishing righteousness on a firm footing, I am born from age to age."
(Chap 4 -verse 7,8)

"Arjuna, during the Final Dissolution all beings enter my Prakriti and at the beginning of creation, I send them forth again."
(Chap 9 -verse 7)

"Wielding My Nature, I release, again and again (according to their respective Karmas) all this multitude of beings subject to the influence of their own Nature."
(Chap 9 -verse 8)

"Arjuna, with Me as the supervisor, Nature brings forth the whole creation, consisting of both sentient and insentient beings; it is due to this cause that the wheel of Samara(life) is going around."
(Chap 9 -verse 10)

"Arjuna, you and I have passed through many births, I remember them all; you do not."
(Chap 4 -verse 5)


"Since I have no craving for the fruit of actions, actions do not contaminate Me. Even he who thus knows Me in reality is not bound by actions."
(Chap 4 -verse 14)

"Arjuna, those actions, however, do not bind Me as I am unattached to such actions and standing apart as it were."
(Chap 9 -verse 9)


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