Krishna very beautifully explains in 3 scenarios where our actions do not bind us - which means we are not responsible for the sins or the goodness of doing such an action:


"O Arjuna, actions do not bind him who has dedicated all his actions to God, according to the spirit of Karmayoga, whose doubts have been torn to shreds by wisdom, and who is self-possessed."
(Chap 4 -verse 41)

"Therefore, Arjuna, slashing to pieces, with the sword of wisdom, this doubt in your heart, born of ignorance, establish yourself in Karmayoga in the shape of even-temperedness, and stand up for the fight."
(Chap 4 -verse 42)


"The Karmayogi, who is contended with whatever is got unsought, is free from jealousy and has transcended all pairs of opposites like joy and grief, and is balanced in success and failure, is not bound by his action."
(Chap 4 -verse 22)


"All his actions melt away, who is free from lust/attachment, who has no identification with the body and does not claim as his own, whose mind is established in the Knowledge of the Self and who works merely for the sake of sacrifice."
(Chap 4 -verse 23)

"He whose mind is free from the sense of the doership, and whose reason is not tainted by worldly objects and activities, does not really slay, even having slaughtered all these creatures, nor is bound by sin."
(Chap 18 -verse 17)

"Man is bound by his own action except when it is done for the sake of sacrifice. Therefore, Arjuna, do you efficiently perform your duty, free from attachment, for the sake of sacrifice alone."
(Chap 3 -verse 9)

But what kind of sacrifices?

PS: All or even doing one of these sacrifices do not bind a man to his action. Such actions must be increased in life. Here, sacrifice
Type 1:

"In the practice of seeing Brahma everywhere as a form of sacrifice where the ladle with which oblation is poured into the fire; the oblation is itself Brahma; Brahma is the fire; Brahma itself is the one who sacrifices and Brahma itself is the act of pouring the oblation into the fire; And finally Brahma is the goal to be reached by him who is absorbed in Brahma as the act of such sacrifice."
(Chap 4 -verse 24)

PS: 1) Brahma here refers to GOD and not Brahma (one of the Trimurtis)
2) Here sacrifice is as good as any action we do and we need to consider God itself as the doer,
God itself as the action and God itself is the result.
This is as per Madhavacharya and Ramanuja. (CLICK HERE FOR SOURCE)

Type 2:

"Other Yogis duly offer sacrifice only in the shape of worship to the demi-gods (as given in the VEDAS). Others (Jnanayogis) by worshiping the Supreme Brahman."
(Chap 4 -verse 25)

Type 3:

"Other Yogis offer sacrifice their senses of hearing into the fire of self-discipline while others offer perceptions of sense objects into the fires of senses."
(Chap 4 -verse 26)

Type 4:

"Other Yogis, who are interested in achieving self-realization through control of the mind and senses, offer the functions of all the senses, and of the life breath, as oblations into the fire of the controlled mind."
(Chap 4 -verse 27)

Type 5:

"Some perform sacrifice with material possessions; some others offer sacrifice in the shape of austerities; others sacrifice through the practice of Yoga; while striving souls, observing austere vows, perform sacrifice in the shape of wisdom through the study of sacred texts."
(Chap 4 -verse 28)

Type 6:

"Other Yogis offer the act of exhalation into that of inhalation; even so others, the act of inhalation into exhalation. There are still-others given to the practice of PRANAYAMA, who having regulated their diet and controlled the processes of exhalation and inhalation - both pour their vital airs into the vital airs themselves. All these have their sins consumed away by sacrifice and understanding the meaning of sacrificial worship."
(Chap 4 -verse 29, 30)

Type 7:

"Arjuna, who does not offer sacrifice, even this world is not happy; how then can the other world be happy?"
(Chap 4 -verse 31)

Type 8:

"Many such forms of sacrifice have been set forth in detail through the mouth of the Vedas; know them all as involving the action of mind, senses and body. Thus knowing them you shall be freed from the bondage of action (through their performance)."
(Chap 4 -verse 32)

Type 9:

"Arjuna, sacrifice through KNOWLEDGE is superior to sacrifice performed with material things. For all actions without exception culminate in Knowledge, O son of Kunti."
(Chap 4 -verse 33)


Krishna also explains the sacrifice at the time of creation and that even rains are produced from the sacrifice.

"Having created mankind along with the spirit of sacrifice at the beginning of creation, the creator, Brahma, said to them, 'you shall prosper by this; may this yield the enjoyment you seek."
(Chap 3 -verse 10)

"Foster the gods through this sacrifice and let the God be gracious to you. Each fostering other disinterestedly, you will attain the highest good."
(Chap 3 -verse 11)
"Fostered by sacrifice, the gods will surely bestow on you unasked all the desired enjoyments. He who enjoys gifts bestowed by them, without giving them in return, is undoubtedly a thief."
(Chap 3 -verse 12)

"The virtuous who partake of what is left over after sacrifice, are absolved of all sins. Those sinful ones who cook for the sake of nourishing their body alone eat only sin."
(Chap 3 -verse 13)

"All beings are evolved from food; production of food is dependent on rain; rain ensues from sacrifice, and sacrifice is rooted in prescribed action. Know that prescribed action has its origin in the VEDAS and the VEDAS proceed from the God; hence the all-pervading Infinite is always present in sacrifice."
(Chap 3 -verse 14,15)


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