We saw Karmayoga as one of the ways to reach God, now it is time to also see how Krishna talks about Bhaktiyoga in reaching Him.

"Completely rid of passion, fear and anger, wholly absorbed in Me, depending on Me, and purified by the penance of wisdom, many have become with Me even in the past."
(Chap 4 -verse 10)

"Arjuna, My birth and activities are divine. He who knows this in reality is not reborn on leaving his body, but comes to Me."
(Chap 4 -verse 9)

"The Yogi, who is established in union with Me, and worships Me as residing in all beings (as their very Self); abides in Me, no matter what he does."
(Chap 6 -verse 31)

"Arjuna, whosoever always and constantly thinks of Me with undivided mind, to that Yogi ever absorbed in Me I am easily attainable."
(Chap 8 -verse 14)

"Great souls, who have attained the highest perfection, having come to Me, are no more subjected to rebirth, which is the abode of sorrow and transient by nature."
(Chap 8 -verse 15)

"Arjuna, think of Me at all times and fight. With mind and reason thus set on Me, you will doubtless come to Me."
(Chap 8 -verse 7)

"Arjuna, he who with his mind disciplined through Yoga in the form of meditation and thinking of Me and nothing else and is constantly engaged in My contemplation attains Me - Divine Purusha. One should meditate upon the Supreme Person as the one who knows everything, as He who is the oldest, who is the controller, who is smaller than the smallest, who is the maintainer of everything, who is beyond all material conception, who is inconceivable, and who is always person luminous like the sun, and He is transcendental, beyond this material nature."
(Chap 8 -verses 8,9)

"With their mind fixed on Me, and their lives surrendered to Me, enlightening one another about My greatness and speaking of Me, My devotees ever remain contended and take delight in Me. On those ever united through meditation with Me and worshipping Me with love, I confer that Yoga of wisdom through which they come to Me. In order to shower my grace on them, I dwell in their heart, dispel the darkness born of ignorance by the shining light of wisdom."
(Chap 10 -verses 9,10,11)

"They, who, having taken refuge in Me, striver for deliverance from old age and death know Brahma (the absolute), the whole Adhyatma (the totality of jivas or embodied souls), and the entire field of Karma as well as My integral being comprising Adhibhuta (matter), Adhidaiva (God) and Adhiyajna (unmanifest Divinity dwelling in heart of all beings as their witness). And they who, possessed of a steadfast mind, know this even at the hour of death, they too know Me alone."
(Chap 7 -verses 29,30)

"He too, who constantly worships Me through the Bhakti Yoga - transcends the 3 Gunas and he becomes eligible for attaining Brahma (God)."
(Chap 14 -verse 26)


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