So, how does Bhaktiyoga come in suddenly in the sequence? After ending Karmayoga, one would realize will it ever be possible to give up our attachment to actions and results. The answer is no. It is definitely, a challenge, and hence Krishna always use the 2 words - repeated practice. However, for Karmayoga - mind is required. For Bhaktiyoga - heart is required. Following the heart is easy than training the mind. Krishna dedicates several verses to the power of BHAKTI - a theme central to Eastern religions. Read below to realize the significance attached to BHAKTI. Where would Bhakti fit in Karmayoga would be seen later as the next question.

"The devotees, however, who loving no one else and constantly think of Me, and worship Me in a disinterested spirit, to those ever united in thought with Me, I bring full security and personally attend to their needs."(Chap 9 -verse 22)

"Whosoever offers to Me with love a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even water, I appear in person before that disinterested devotee of sinless mind and delightfully accept it."
(Chap 9 -verse 26)

"Arjuna, howsoever men seek me; even so do I approach them; for all men follow my path in every way."(Chap 4 -verse 11)

"Even if the vilest sinner worships Me with exclusive devotion, he should be accounted a saint; for he is has rightfully resolved in devoted worship of God."(Chap 9 -verse 30)

"Speedily he becomes virtuous and secures lasting peace. Know it for certain, Arjuna, that My devotee never falls."(Chap 9 -verse 31)

"Arjuna, those who take shelter in Me, even Vaisyas, Shudras, men, women or those of vile birth - whoever they may be - will attain me - the Supreme Goal."(Chap 9 -verse 32)

"How much more this is so of the righteous Brahmanas, the devotees and the saintly kings. Therefore, having come to this temporary, miserable world, engage in loving service unto Me."
(Chap 9 -verse 33)

"Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me."(Chap 9 -verse 34)

"Take shelter in God alone with all your being, Arjuna. By His mere grace you shall attain supreme peace and the eternal state."(Chap 18 -verse 62)

"Thus has this wisdom, more secret than secrecy itself, has been imparted to you by Me. Fully thinking on it, do as you like."(Chap 18 -verse 63)

"Hear, again, My supremely secret word, the most esoteric of all truths, You are extremely dear to Me; therefore, I shall offer you this salutary advice."(Chap 18 -verse 64)

"Give your mind to Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and bow to Me. Doing so you will come to Me alone, I truly promise you; for you are exceptionally dear to Me."(Chap 18 -verse 65)

"He who, offering the highest love to Me, preaches the most profound gospel of the Gita among my devotees, shall come to Me alone; there is no doubt about it."(Chap 18 -verse 68)

"Through the supreme devotion he comes to know Me in reality, what and how great I am; and thereby knowing Me in essence he forthwith enters into My being."(Chap 18 -verse 55)

"Among men there is none who does Me a more loving service than he; nor shall anyone be dearer to Me on the entire globe than He. Whosoever studies this sacred dialog of ours in the form of Gita, by him too shall I be worshiped through wisdom-sacrifice; such is My mind. The man who hears the holy Gita with reverence and without envy - liberated from sin, he too shall reach the happy worlds of the virtuous." (Chap 18 -verses 69, 70, 71)

"Of all Yogis, again, he who devoutly worships Me with his mind focussed on Me is considered by Me to be the best Yogi."(Chap 6 -verse 47)


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